Changes Are Coming...

Donated: EUR 4310.51

The plan

My country is indebted and my plan is to help Latvia give back the loan from the International Monetary Fund which consists of 1.68 billion Euros, so that my country can start giving the debt back to the ones it is most indebted – the people of Latvia.
I am organizing a campaign called “Save Latvia” and I am going to involve supporters from the whole world, inviting everyone to support my idea with at least a symbolic donation. The purpose of the donations is to gather resources and later, after coming to an agreement with the government, exchange them for certain things that the government must do.
There are more than 6.8 billion people in the world, hundreds of millions of companies and organizations. Together it is enough to create a hope to achieve the goal.

The situation

In the end of 2008 the International Monetary Fund decided to give Latvia a loan of 1.68 billion Euros to stabilize the economy (read more). And starting with February of 2012, the return of the loan has to begin. I have decided to gather if not the full amount, then at least a part of it, before that date, to help my country and its people. Latvia is in an unenviable situation, because the country has no money to give back the loan and the interest percentage, taxes are risen, allowances are removed, the budget is cut, pensions are decreased, businesses are going bankrupt, workplaces are lost, young people are leaving their homeland, the inhabitants lose all hope for a worthy life and lose trust in this country and its government.

About me

My name is Matiss Bartulis, I am a 22 year old law student from Riga, Latvia. I do not represent any political party, and I am not a member of any governmental institution or organization. I am a neutral individual, who is ready to do what others haven’t dared to. I am the creator and member of the non-profit society SAVE LATVIA, which was created especially for this campaign. I am not here to pretend to be a hero. I am here to act and to start a chain of positive events. The real heroes will be the people who will support the “Save Latvia” campaign and join the Latvia saviors list.

Usage of donations

Depending on the amount donated, a set of adequate prerequisites with certain conditions will be developed in the name of all donators, which the government of Latvia has to do in order for the money to reach the treasury. In a case of agreement an interesting and positive follow-up is to be expected. Nothing is perfect and Latvia isn’t an exception, in a case of agreement many injustices and absurdities that exist in the country will be avoided. If you are interested in my success and what results this campaign will bring, then join in and follow the events. Donate and help to achieve the goal!

What will happen if the government doesn’t accept the conditions

If the government refuses to cooperate, then the donations gathered by “” won’t go to Latvia’s treasury, but instead by cooperating with various organizations, the donations will be used to fill school bags, supply clean water, feed the starving, and invest into scientific research and elsewhere. There are many possibilities, but everything depends on the amount donated and that’s why it depends on You!

Why I do this

Firstly, I like to do things better than not doing and thinking what would have happened if I would have done them. Secondly, people have a tendency to whine but not to do anything to change things. I understand that not everyone have the time and possibilities to do it. That’s why this time I have worked and have created a chance for everyone to do good things and become a part of a project. I hope that those who find out about the campaign “Save Latvia” won’t be indifferent and will join the Latvia saviors list, which, as a part of history, will be publicly available in the Contributors' section.

Your support is important

Latvia has a little over 2 million inhabitants, that’s why the support of people from other countries is very important to reach the goal. In case you have no interest to help my country (maybe because your country has problems too or you just weren’t aware that a country called Latvia exists until now), then I hope you will support me and help me reach the goal, to see what results it might bring. Even a symbolic donation from everyone can mean a lot. My name is in the Latvia saviors list, is Yours?

Your donation will help to achieve a heroic deed.
Become a hero!
Save Latvia